It was bittersweet to take the pups to their new homes - but I left each ensconced in the arms of their new families and already well on their way to being spoiled with lots of love!
Introducing "Windancer's Wild Ways"! "Myka" will be staying as the newest addition to our pack, and promises to lead me a merry dance!
At 4 weeks the whelping room was getting a bit crowded, so we began the weaning transition and the pups moved to the big puppy pen in the kitchen. They are playing hard (and excersising those new teeth!) and learning to eat puppy gruel.
Puppy piles form and un-form throughout the day, and our favorite activity is to have them pile on our laps for quiet time! They are learning about new sounds and being part of the house activities as they unfold around them. With the unseasonably warm weather they have already been outside to bask in the sun! At 3 weeks we had lots of visitors getting their puppy fixes - and the pups found lots of laps to snuggle in!
Just over two weeks old and a big change in the past several days! Teeth are coming through the gums (see mom's expression!) and they look like little dogs instead of sausages! They are starting to play and bark, but still sleep most of the time.
Let the fun begin! :) Wow! At just 12 days old (has it been that long already?!) the eyes are peeking open! Pups are "standing" and taking a few steps before they resort to the puppy crawl. It's going to be crowded in the whelping box before long!